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After much anticipation, CJC-F held its first in-person Welcome Event on 19th September 2022. It was a very exciting time as both previous and new members alike were able to meet their club mates, get to know each other, and embark on this shared journey of exploring our interest in forensic science together. CJC-F History, Goal and Project HierarchyThe event began with a detailed explanation of the history and journey of CJC-F given by our student Director Alyssa Phua and Vice Director Ellione Chow.It was truly spectacular to hear from themSEE DETAILS

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CJC-F, CJC-F Activities, CJC-F Announcements, CJC-F Events

To ring in the new year, CJC Forensics recently held its inaugural Roundtable Discussion. The aim of the Discussion was for each sub-project to share the various events and publication works undertaken, provide an opportunity for cross-project learning for our own members and to update our members on upcoming events.The event started off with a warm welcome by our advisor, Associate Professor Stella Tan. We are extremely grateful to have Prof Stella with us on the New Year’s Saturday morning!Initiation sharingAfter Professor Stella Tan gave her opening address, Nicole TeoSEE DETAILS

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CJC-F, CJC-F Announcements, CJC-F Events

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CJC-F, CJC-F Events, CJC-F Gallery

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