CJC-F, CJC-F Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CJC finally launched the new project – CJC-Forensics!!

CJC is launching a new project in AY20/21 – CJC Forensics (“CJC-F”)! CJC-F is a student-led initiative that aims to explore the role forensic science plays across the criminal legal landscape. In a criminal trial, forensic evidence is critical for the identification of the perpetrator and in determining exactly when and how a crime was committed. CJC-F aspires to increase awareness and cultivate interest in forensic science, emphasizing its importance in the criminal justice system.


In addition to learning forensic science techniques, CJC-F members will interview practitioners and forensics experts, gaining greater insights into the role forensics science plays in the criminal justice system. Members will translate their takeaways into articles that will be published on the CJC website. Last but not least, members will be involved in putting together our annual Forensic Science Conference!

Check out CJC-F introduction video below: 


Find out more about CJC Forensics here: https://nuscriminaljustice.com/cjc-f/


Applications to join CJC-F is open to all students. The sign-ups will open very soon!! Follow @nuscriminaljustice for more updates!!

